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Development Design Marketing
Web Design
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Web Design Solutions

Enterprise Scale Applications
Axmor software developers have the technological expertise for implementing custom business applications and software development that addresses all critical requirements of large businesses:

  • Multiple users
  • Large amounts of data
  • Intensive business processes
  • Integration of a variety of systems within and outside the company
  • Software and network security

We provide a full range of services to ensure that your mission-critical, custom application is accessible 24/7 and works exactly as you require.

Requirement Definition

Even if at the project's inception the customer has only a layman's vision of the future software solution, Axmor can ensure success.

We communicate the details of all requirements and specify them in well-structured documentation. Our knowledge of the business domain and quality analytical work ensures that you get exactly what you need at the end of the project.

Software Design and Development

Axmor's expertise in custom software development, UI design, and custom business application development creates secure and flawless results. Our experience comes from a multitude of collaborated projects with a variety of companies. Many ventures have been with IBM, a leading provider of custom enterprise solutions.

Web Development

  • Web Development
  • Development
Web Development

  • Web Development
  • Development
Web Development

  • Web Development
  • Development
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